The Pyramid
To get a better idea of how to find the information you need, it's helpful to think of Kids' Money in terms of a pyramid. Each side represents one of many perspectives from which you can pursue your quest for financial education.
Sections Within Each Perspective
There will always be at least four sections within each perspective, covering important components of financial education.
Learn how to develop and teach great saving habits from a young age.
Find out how to budget and cultivate smart spending habits.
Kids are hungry to earn their own money. Do it responsibly.
Giving back is a big part of financial wellness, here's how to develop it.
Going Further
Depending on the section, we also include information on other important financial education topics.
And More
How to Find Your Way Home
If you need to go back at any time, just use the links at the tippy top of the site to get back to the home for your section or click the Kids' Money logo. You can also look for your section color at the top of the page and use the breadcrumbs to navigate back to the center for the topic you're reading about.
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