
Aflatoun International

A great organization that helps kids all over the world with social and financial education.


About Aflatoun International

The Aflatoun program seeks to empower children through a balance of social and financial education. Children are taught to believe in themselves, know their rights and responsibilities, understand and practice saving and spending, as well as start their own innovative enterprises. Their global movement works with over 800,000 children aged 6 – 18 in over 85 countries and involves organizations in the public, private, and charitable sectors. The program is in schools and non-formal education centers in 54 of these countries.

Aflatoun success is the result of three factors:

  • The Aflatoun Concept is Child Social & Financial Education (CSFE) balances social and financial education with a focus on children.
  • The Aflatoun Program brings the concept to children through a balanced curriculum of fun workbooks and activities.
  • The Aflatoun Network consists of implementing partners, who contextualise and implement the Aflatoun programme in their countries, donors, financial institutions, international NGOs, governmental institutions, academic and research institutions.

Aflatoun Materials

Workbook 1 (6-7 years)
Emphasizes an understanding of everybody being unique and special and introduces the concept of savings.

Workbook 2 (7-8 years)
Encourages children to see the interdependence existing in their family, community and the world. Communicates the universality of savings and its holistic meaning.

Workbook 3 (8-9 years)
Initiates a process of self-exploration and sensitises children to the feelings of others. Transparency and financial ethics are introduced as integral concepts when dealing with money.

Workbook 4 (9-10 years)
Builds children’s sense of responsibility for their decisions as well as their sense of pride about saving. Encourages them to save and spend collectively in activities they organize together.

Workbook 5 (10-11 years)
Introduces and expands on the concept of child rights and the UNCRC, hand-in-hand with responsibilities. Children deepen their knowledge about money.

Workbook 6 (11-12 years)
Reinforces the importance of rights in every child’s life and simultaneously explores issues of marginalisation in society. Introduces children to financial institutions and develops their saving, spending, planning and budgeting skills.

Workbook 7 (12-13 years)
Encourages children to investigate the situation of marginalized children. Promotes the definition of financial goals and the development of social and financial enterprise activities.

Workbook 8 (13-14 years)
Encourages self-reflection and looks deeper into issues of stereotypes and prejudices on issues such as gender. Further develops financial capabilities through financial enterprise.

The Aflateen Manual (15-18 years)
This Manual is a guide for adult or peer educators and/or facilitators. The programme encourages young people to reflect on their lives, to explore issues and problems in society and acquire life skills that help them become engaged citizens.

The Non-Formal Education Manual (6-18 years)
This Manual is a guide for facilitators to use with non-formal education learners (e.g. children in need of special protection who are in child care homes) and children learning in non-formal settings. The Manual contains various activities that will help the children attain the objectives of the Aflatoun programme and develop the core competencies Aflatoun seeks to inculcate among children.