For Parents

Best Money Camps for Kids

Entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and investment camps that are meant for kids! It is a great way to inspire your young ones learn about money, and possible careers for them in the future!


Learning starts at home when parents teach their kids about life lessons like money management. Summer is fast approaching and kids will be let out of school soon so they will have plenty of free time on their hands to learn about all sorts of things so why not sign them up for a financial literacy summer camp that covers topics such as:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Investments
  • Basic Financial Literacy

Let’s discuss the best money camps for kids and how to choose the best option for your family!

Entrepreneurship Camps

These camps are just a few of our favorites. Check out my full list of kids’ entrepreneurship camps for more ideas!

The Simple Startup Summer Challenge

Whether your child is already interested in starting their own business or you want to expose them to the possibilities in life, this is a 6-week self-based or group-based virtual summer camp for 10-18 year-olds where they can learn how to:

  • Make smart business and financial decisions
  • Appreciate the value and uses of money
  • Communicate effectively
  • Problem-solving
  • Creative thinking and mindful solutions

Junior Achievement BizTown

This capstone virtual class teaches elementary-aged kids work readiness, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy through interaction with a simulated town where they learn how to:

  • Write checks and conduct banking transactions
  • Voting for local politicians
  • Running established businesses
  • Learn economic concepts

Young Americans Financial Summer Camp

This is a 1-week day camp held for students in 2nd-8th grade and held face-to-face in Colorado. Most of the camps are offered in June and July but some mini-camps are held throughout the year. Campers can learn about:

  • Leadership
  • How to become a financial fit
  • Global business and currency
  • Basic financial and business skills through interactive interactions in a make-believe town
  • How to start your own business
  • Building apps and marketing your new business
  • Sales
  • Government, banking, supply and demand, and basic economics

Moolah U Youth Live Entrepreneurial Online Camp

This is an intense “MBA for kids” incubator program aimed at helping kids get their businesses off the ground in 1 week using the mentorship of successful adult businesspeople. Kids can learn how to solve business problems as the pros do!

  • Business building
  • Vetting business ideas
  • Investor pitching
  • Problem-solving

Babson College Summer Study for High School Students

This is a 4 week, online program that offers 4 college credits to high school students that are “innovators and changemakers” where they learn to:

  • Address business problems
  • Build confidence to share ideas and concepts
  • Identify opportunities
  • Create lasting change
  • Involve others in your business vision
  • Embrace other perspectives

Spark Business Academy Camp

The target age for this in-person camp is 5-17 in locations like Washington, DC, Maryland, New York City, and Virginia. There is an online option if travel to an on-site location isn’t available to you. There are many different camp programs available that teach skills such as:

  • Financial literacy
  • Entrepreneurship skills
  • Stock market basics
  • Sports management
  • Public speaking
  • Collaboration
  • Product development

WhizBiz Kids Summer Camp

This is a 1-week camp held in North Austin, TX that gathers together 15-20 kids in different age groups (8-16 years old) that have the task of developing a business idea, producing the product and selling it. Skills developed include:

  • Sharing ideas using public speaking skills
  • Developing an entrepreneurial mindset
  • Learned integrity and how to follow through on things you said you would do
  • Leadership
  • Starting a savings account, setting goals, and investing business earnings

Camp BizSmart

A two-week, in-person camp in Santa Clara, CA aimed at kids 11-15 years old that helps kids build skills in:

  • Product design and pitching
  • Business methodology
  • Interacting with angel investors for startups
  • Product innovation used to creatively solve societal problems
  • Finance
  • Marketing and sales

The unique prospect of this camp is that kids get the opportunity to pitch their business ideas to real-world business investors, angel investors, and venture capitalists at the Microsoft Silicon Valley headquarters for the chance to work with the pros and get their business idea funded. 

Teen Entrepreneur Academy (TEA)

Teens learn how to become difference makers through productivity and purposeful businesses that make the world a better place at the annual camp held in July in Irvine, CA at Concordia University. Skills learned include:

  • Real-world entrepreneurship with hands-on experience
  • Business building and branding
  • Best business practices
  • Business planning and pitching
  • Startup budgets
  • Market research
  • Team building
  • Elevator pitches
  • Marketing
  • Cash flow projections
  • Sales

Acme Entrepreneurship Bootcamp

This is targeted at teens and young adult college students and held in San Jose, CA on Saturdays for 6 weeks for about 2 hours per session where students learn executive-level skills aimed at taking big dreams out of your head and out into the world. Skills students learn include:

  • Leading a team
  • Pitching to investors
  • Corporate structures
  • Market planning
  • Advertising and market strategy
  • Supply chain management
  • Stock market basics
  • Business development and planning
  • Outsourcing, accounting, and how to price your products
  • Contracts and planning
  • Venture capital

Youth About Business Summer Program

This camp offers a virtual option and face-to-face options at Emory University in Atlanta, GA, and Columbia University in New York City for 1 week in an overnight offering where teams are assembled to participate in real-world simulations that teach about mergers and acquisitions. Learn how to read annual reports by working with actual senior-level executives in their field. Skills learned include:

  • Healthy competition skills
  • How to make challenges fun
  • Business knowledge
  • Basic business economy of America currently and future projections
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Complex business transactions
  • Strategy and due diligence
  • Financial terminology

Wharton Global Youth Program

This program is for students in Grades 9-12 and is held on campus in either Philadelphia or San Francisco or online. Explore common and global business practices in an Ivy League environment with thousands of your peers worldwide to help solve complex challenges that are faced in the global economy. On-campus programs include:

  • Entrepreneurship Essentials
  • Finance Essentials
  • Innovation Essentials
  • Business World Leadership
  • Sports Business Academy
  • Data Science
  • Management and Technology

Financial Literacy Camps

Wealthy Habits Summer Camp

One-week camp for 11-18-year-olds held at campuses in Georgia and North Carolina or online. The online camps are very affordable and can be self-paced or collaborative with other learners. The collaborative learning groups offer games to enrich the learning environment and offer a healthy level of competition at key stages of the process. Topics covered include:

  • Financial literacy basics
  • Income and taxes
  • Saving and budgeting
  • Credit and debt management
  • Banking basics
  • Investing and stock market fundamentals
  • How to create smart money habits for teens
  • Cryptocurrency and future projections 

Pizza Money Camp

Parents and kids ages 9-11 can learn together about earning, saving, spending, and giving responsibly so that your kids can learn how to have a healthy relationship with money by shifting cultural norms around money and instilling core values so money is no longer a big mystery that is never talked about. Skills learned include:

  • Earning and saving money to create financial independence
  • Parent resource portal to interact with other parents and sharpen parenting skills
  • Getting a job and nailing the interview process
  • How to have a great first job or business experience to earn extra money
  • Education, coaching, and family engagement for money fundamentals

University of Georgia Financial Planning Academy

Aimed at teaching teens ages 14-17 all about money from the ground up by working on a real-world financial planning case study and then developing a financial plan of their own to compete for scholarships and other prizes. If your child has an interest in personal finance as a career, this is a great way to explore that option in a safe and healthy environment where making mistakes is allowed and encouraged. Skills learned include:

  • Financial planning
  • Career planning
  • Case study development

Auburn University Camp iCare 

Held in Auburn, Alabama for kids ages 6-12 to promote financial responsibility, youth leadership, and philanthropy aimed at quality of living improvements worldwide. The unique benefit of this camp is that it focuses on teaching kids how to be smart about money while helping other people by learning about:

  • The differences between wants and needs
  • Ways that we can give to others (time, trust, money, and sharing our talents)
  • Taking leadership initiatives
  • How to be a mentor to younger kids or siblings

Investment Camps

Bentley University Wall Street 101

Junior and senior high school students can learn by doing about global financial markets on campus in Waltham, MA in the campus Trading Room and taught by industry leaders and senior-level executives through:

  • Simulation trading exercises
  • Creating a mock trading portfolio
  • Industry analysis
  • Presenting their findings on why they chose those trades for their portfolio 
  • Company analysis 

University of Nebraska Maverick Investment Camp

This is a 3-day event that targets prospective students for the University of Nebraska in grades 11 & 12 that want to learn about personal finance and investing. Topics covered include:

  • Tour of a local Fortune 500 company
  • Simulation of how to create a diversified, enduring and long-term portfolio
  • How the actions of the Federal Reserve impact equities markets
  • Identifying investments that are undervalued and learning how to buy them

Future Investor Club of America (FICA) Young Investors Wallstreet Summer Camp

Kids ages 8-18 can learn financial intelligence via in-person training, videos, and board game play followed up by financial field trips to area financial district businesses and sit-down sessions with senior-level executives from top American corporations to ask questions of. Learn about:

  • Business 
  • Higher education (college and university)
  • Executive jobs
  • Investing
  • Financial services

Creative Wealth International- Camp Millionaire

The target age group is 10+ and on-site locations include Atlanta, GA, Santa Barbara, CA, and Edmonds, WA. Lessons learned include: 

  • Setting savings goals
  • How to invest wisely
  • Building wealth the smart way
  • Creating a wealthy mindset
  • Managing debt
  • Giving to others

Related Reading For You and Your Kids

About the Author

Jessica Anglin

Jessica was raised in a household where her parents didn't know how to pay bills on time and indulged in life's pleasures on a consistent basis in order to cover the misery from working jobs they hated for money that wasn't enough to live off of. She took on the role of caregiver to 4 siblings at age 15 and started her first business selling tie-dye t-shirts in order to buy food and provide a stable home. Nineteen years later, she owns three successful businesses, has earned an MBA in Finance, and works daily to set an example for the next generation on how to build wealth so they never face the same struggles.

Last updated on: July 8, 2024