For Teachers

“When I Grow Up” Worksheets

Check out these fun worksheets to help your students figure out what they want to be when they grow up!


It’s a question kids always hear: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” However, there’s a reason teachers and homeschoolers ask it. It’s never too early to start dreaming and planning for a future career. These worksheets focus on career readiness for little learners, helping them understand the path they need to follow to reach their goals!

When I Grow Up Worksheets for Younger Students

Kids throughout elementary school need guidance in career choices. These worksheets will inspire them to begin searching and imagining what they may become.

  • When I Grow Up…: This worksheet lets students draw their future selves, imagining a career they may have as adults. They can practice writing the name of their job in the space below the image, and it is editable to change the grade level and school year. It is made for PreK-1st grade.
  • When I Grow Up Banner Activity: Kids read books, watch videos, and have class discussions about various careers. Then they document their learning on this worksheet, providing a creative way to use their imagination. Great for 1st-6th grade.
  • When I Grow Up Class Book: Students complete an individual worksheet as they consider future careers. Then teachers compile them into a class book, keeping all the students’ career dreams in one place. It is suitable for K-1st grade.
  • When I Grow Up I Want To Be…: In this activity, students fill out a series of worksheets, each increasing in complexity. They brainstorm possible jobs, draw a picture and write down a few sentences, and finally compose a brief essay. Excellent for 1st and 2nd graders.
  • When I Grow Up Worksheet: This fill-in-the-blank worksheet has students researching or discussing with others to break down job possibilities. It goes into detail, and kids need to learn how they make money in their careers and which skills they may need. Ideal for 1st-2nd grade. 
  • When I Grow Up Writing: In this worksheet, children must write extensive responses to determine what they want to do for careers. There is a spot for an illustration and plenty of lines to complete their writing. It is best for K-3rd grade.
  • When I Grow Up Career Exploration: This worksheet targets older students who are still unsure of what they want to do for careers. It requires research and brainstorming to determine possible job choices. This activity is excellent for 6th-9th graders.
  • When I Grow Up Template: This worksheet is great for very young students. They write the career name and color in the shape on the page. It is a great way to work on motor skills as kids figure out future roles. It’s made for PreK-1st grade.
  • When I Grow Up Graphic Organizer: This worksheet is a great way to get kids thinking about careers. They take notes and answer prompts to get their ideas in order and can use them later to compose an essay. Your 3rd-6th graders will benefit the most from it.

When I Grow Up Worksheets for Older Students

Many middle schoolers (and even high school students) are undecided on future career paths. Having worksheets like these handy to highlight the many career options is essential.

  • Career Exploration: This worksheet provides a space to record students’ findings as they research various careers. It is easy to follow and well-structured so that kids can complete it independently. Ideal for 6th-9th grades.
  • Career Discovery: Students look into specific careers and record their findings on this worksheet. They learn about salary ranges, employment outlooks, and requirements for their chosen job. It will work best for 6th-12th grade.
  • Career Exploration Pack: This worksheet pack contains multiple activities to keep kids engaged and focused. They research specific industries and jobs and record what they learn on the sheets. These are best for 4th-12th grades.
  • Career Exploration One-Pager: This one-page worksheet keeps kids with a narrow focus on one career. They learn about qualifications, skills, interests, and other items related to their career choice as they complete the sheet. Good for 5th-10th grade.
  • Career Exploration – Bicycle Courier: This worksheet details being a bicycle courier, giving students an idea of what it takes to make it in a career. Kids realize no matter what they want to be when they grow up; they’ll need to plan. Excellent for 7th-12th grade.

Check out our Teaching Career Planning center for more curriculum resources!

About the Author

Peter Brown

Peter Brown is a National Board Certified teacher with over two decades of experience in the classroom. He loves working with students of all ages in many subjects, but particularly in practical areas like money education, to help kids achieve their goals. When he is not teaching or writing about financial literacy, you can find him surfing, hiking, skiing, or traveling to new places.

Last updated on: July 8, 2024