For Teachers

Teaching by Topic: Entrepreneurship

Here are a bunch of tips, learning objectives, worksheets, and pre-built lesson plans to help you build your curriculum to teach students about entrepreneurship!


Entrepreneurship is essential for your students to understand. By learning successful entrepreneurial skills, your kids can increase their odds of achieving financial success. 

You can find the materials you need to teach entrepreneurship, regardless of your students’ levels. Here are entrepreneurship lessons, worksheets, activities and games, and some key tips –  by grade. We also include learning objectives that connect to the National Standards for Financial Education.

National Standards for Personal Finance Education

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Our free cheat sheet covers every learning objective in the National Standards for Personal Finance Education and the corresponding Kids' Money Lesson Plans - we cover each and every standard!


Learning Objectives

Pre-K students are likely still too young to understand the concepts of entrepreneurship. However, they can work on money awareness, mainly coins, to grasp more advanced concepts in later grades. They should be able to:

  • See how money works and understand the value of different coins.

Pre-K Entrepreneurship Lesson Plans

  • Pre-K – Let’s Learn About Money!: In this lesson from Penn State University, students learn about wants vs. needs and understand how decision-making is part of money education. They complete several activities introducing them to money and set the foundation for more complex topics later.

Pre-K Entrepreneurship Worksheets

Tips for Teaching Entrepreneurship to Pre-K Students

  • Pre-K students may think that coins are more valuable than bills.
  • Use the idea of ownership and borrowing to teach basic money concepts.
  • Explain the many ways to make money, including starting a business.

For more resources on other topics, check out our Pre-K Money Lesson Plans Center.


Learning Objectives

The concept of entrepreneurship is still out of reach for many Kindergarteners, but they can learn characteristics that successful entrepreneurs share. They should be able to:

  • Find ways to solve problems and analyze decision-making skills.

Kindergarten Entrepreneurship Lesson Plans

  • Kindergarten – Discovering the Leader In Me: This lesson from teaches students the value of leadership, a crucial component of entrepreneurship. They identify positive attributes about themselves, play games, and solve problems as they become better leaders.

Kindergarten Entrepreneurship Worksheets

Kindergarten Entrepreneurship Games and Activities

Tips for Teaching Entrepreneurship to Kindergarten Students

  • Build strong character traits.
  • Continue working on money identification, as they need to know money well for the upcoming concepts.
  • Use songs, stories, and fables to show characters’ positive, entrepreneurial habits.

For more resources on other topics, check out our Kindergarten Money Lesson Plans Center.

1st Grade

Learning Objectives

1st-graders look at different careers, including the idea of entrepreneurship. They should be able to:

  • Develop a list of possible careers of interest and determine the skills needed in those careers.

1st Grade Entrepreneurship Lesson Plans

  • 1st Grade – Jobs I Like At Home and At School: In this lesson from, students look closely at jobs and why people have them. They participate in various activities while identifying strengths and interests for possible careers in the future.

1st Grade Entrepreneurship Worksheets

1st Grade Entrepreneurship Games and Activities

Tips for Teaching Entrepreneurship to 1st Graders

  • Encourage kids to research and ask questions.
  • Use the classroom store to show how earning income, spending, and saving work.
  • Remind them that kids can start businesses, too.

For more resources on other topics, check out our 1st Grade Money Lesson Plans Center.

2nd Grade

Learning Objectives

2nd-grade students learn about entrepreneurial characteristics and further study specific careers. They should be able to:

  • Research careers and see how entrepreneurs establish their own path.

2nd Grade Entrepreneurship Lesson Plans

  • 2nd Grade – Tell Me About Your Job: This lesson plan from showcases various jobs, letting students see how communities and careers intersect. They research one career and give an oral presentation to the class about the job.

2nd Grade Entrepreneurship Worksheets

2nd Grade Entrepreneurship Games and Activities

Tips for Teaching Entrepreneurship to 2nd Graders

  • Focus on leadership and other entrepreneurial traits.
  • Have students reflect in writing often.
  • Use hands-on and practical activities to show how businesses work.

For more resources on other topics, check out our 2nd Grade Money Lesson Plans Center.

3rd Grade

Learning Objectives

3rd-graders learn more about specific ways to become an entrepreneur, including planning, decision-making, and risk-taking. They should be able to:

  • Understand the motive of profit in entrepreneurship and describe various paths of entrepreneurs.

3rd Grade Entrepreneurship Lesson Plans

  • 3rd Grade – So You Want to Be An Entrepreneur?: This lesson from Business Kidz shows kids the ways entrepreneurs can make money. It offers many activities and opportunities for kids to demonstrate their understanding of economic concepts.

3rd Grade Entrepreneurship Worksheets

3rd Grade Entrepreneurship Games and Activities

Tips for Teaching Entrepreneurship to 3rd Graders

  • Use role-play often.
  • Build the idea of risk/reward tradeoffs.
  • Show them several ways to start their own business.

For more resources on other topics, check out our 3rd Grade Money Lesson Plans Center.

4th Grade

Learning Objectives

4th-grade students jump into more advanced entrepreneurial skills, including planning business operations and measuring success. They should be able to:

  • Diagram the steps needed to set up a business and learn the role of the entrepreneur.

4th Grade Entrepreneurship Lesson Plans

  • 4th Grade – Isabel’s Car Wash: This lesson from the Kansas City Fed shows students essential entrepreneurial concepts and terminology. They see the importance of having a business plan and having a pitch to secure investors.

4th Grade Entrepreneurship Worksheets

4th Grade Entrepreneurship Games and Activities

Tips for Teaching Entrepreneurship to 4th Graders

  • Use more advanced money math, like multiplication to long division, to improve their financial skills.
  • Build as much entrepreneurship vocabulary with word walls and reflective journals.
  • Challenge students to list as many ways to start a business as possible.

For more resources on other topics, check out our 4th Grade Money Lesson Plans Center.

5th Grade

Learning Objectives

5th-grade students discover various jobs and ways to earn income and see the type of person who becomes a successful entrepreneur. They should be able to:

  • Identify risks and rewards involved in entrepreneurship and identify various historical entrepreneurs.

5th Grade Entrepreneurship Lesson Plans

  • 5th Grade – The Sweet Success of Milton Hershey: In this lesson from, students learn how the chocolate tycoon rose to riches and fame. They also look at the risks and rewards of being an entrepreneur.

5th Grade Entrepreneurship Worksheets

5th Grade Entrepreneurship Games and Activities

Tips for Teaching Entrepreneurship to 5th Graders

  • Bring in guest speakers.
  • Have a Career Day where students research and represent various careers.
  • Increase math complexity, e.g., showing how taxes impact entrepreneurship.

For more resources on other topics, check out our 5th Grade Money Lesson Plans Center.

6th Grade

Learning Objectives

6th-grade students see how pursuing their passion can lead to income, and they break down the steps to make it happen. They should be able to:

  • Use critical thinking and self-reflection to determine logical steps on the entrepreneurial journey.

6th Grade Entrepreneurship Lesson Plans

  • 6th Grade – I Can Be An Entrepreneur: This lesson from shows kids how to plan and develop entrepreneurial activities. They also learn how to calculate profit and loss in economic situations.

6th Grade Entrepreneurship Worksheets

6th Grade Entrepreneurship Games and Activities

Tips for Teaching Entrepreneurship to 6th Graders

  • Introduce mentoring by partnering with students from higher grades.
  • Work on public speaking and confidence-building exercises.
  • Set up a classroom store and reward entrepreneurial successes.

For more resources on other topics, check out our 6th Grade Money Lesson Plans Center.

7th Grade

Learning Objectives

7th-graders dive further into how to market businesses, understanding that every decision has an outcome. They should be able to:

  • See that responsible choices increase the chance for entrepreneurial success and understand a plan’s importance.

7th Grade Entrepreneurship Lesson Plans

  • 7th Grade – Crash Course On Starting A Business: This lesson from BizKids stresses the importance of analyzing decisions and taking responsibility in entrepreneurship. Students learn to make a business plan and market a product or service.

7th Grade Entrepreneurship Worksheets

7th Grade Entrepreneurship Games and Activities

Tips for Teaching Entrepreneurship to 7th Graders

  • Use current events and famous figures from today to teach entrepreneurship.
  • Begin to show kids the risks involved in entrepreneurship.
  • Have students reflect on decisions continually.

For more resources on other topics, check out our 7th Grade Money Lesson Plans Center.

8th Grade

Learning Objectives

8th-grade students deepen their financial and entrepreneurial vocabulary and understand more advanced concepts. They should be able to:

  • Research possible careers they can start on their own, determining risks and rewards involved in their choice.

8th Grade Entrepreneurship Lesson Plans

  • 8th Grade – Entrepreneurial Expedition: This lesson from teaches students many entrepreneurial terms, starting a career, and finding success in business ventures. They learn how to create a personalized plan by watching case studies and completing personal development activities.

8th Grade Entrepreneurship Worksheets

8th Grade Entrepreneurship Games and Activities

Tips for Teaching Entrepreneurship to 8th Graders

  • Have students work in small groups to mimic business startups.
  • Attend virtual career fairs and presentations to get ideas.
  • Have students research often.

For more resources on other topics, check out our 8th Grade Money Lesson Plans Center.

9th Grade

Learning Objectives

9th-grade students look at real-life examples of entrepreneurial success throughout the year. They should be able to:

  • Identify characteristics shared by leading entrepreneurs and incorporate them into business planning.

9th Grade Entrepreneurship Lesson Plans

  • 9th Grade – Making Your Own Job: In this lesson from, students identify characteristics of entrepreneurs and discover examples of business success. They also compare entrepreneurial ventures with working in an organization.

9th Grade Entrepreneurship Worksheets

9th Grade Entrepreneurship Games and Activities

Tips for Teaching Entrepreneurship to 9th Graders

  • Use current events.
  • Challenge students to think about how they would improve on existing products and services.
  • Play games and interactive activities that build entrepreneurial skills.

For more resources on other topics, check out our 9th Grade Money Lesson Plans Center.

10th Grade

Learning Objectives

10th-grade students focus on specific careers of interest and begin understanding the details of entrepreneurship in their chosen industry. They should be able to:

  • Understand how funding works in entrepreneurship and how to secure loans to start a business.

10th Grade Entrepreneurship Lesson Plans

  • 10th Grade – Twenty-Two Cents: In this lesson from the Kansas City Fed, students learn about loans that entrepreneurs can receive. They see how lenders use specific criteria to determine who receives loans and the various interest rates involved.

10th Grade Entrepreneurship Worksheets

10th Grade Entrepreneurship Games and Activities

Tips for Teaching Entrepreneurship to 10th Graders

  • Provide daily time for research.
  • Have one-on-one consultations to focus on career clusters and interests.
  • Use virtual field trips, online resources, and guest speakers to enhance teaching.

For more resources on other topics, check out our 10th Grade Money Lesson Plans Center.

11th Grade

Learning Objectives

11th-graders dive into the details of entrepreneurship, learning how to plan and execute the steps to success. They should be able to:

  • Identify characteristics that lead to successful entrepreneurship and understand the risks involved in forming your own business.

11th Grade Entrepreneurship Lesson Plans

  • KMLP 11th Grade – The Entrepreneur’s Journey: This lesson plan shows students the path of entrepreneurship, from having an idea to scaling a product. They watch videos, read articles, and research a famous entrepreneur as they learn the ins and outs of starting a business.

11th Grade Entrepreneurship Worksheets

11th Grade Entrepreneurship Games and Activities

Tips for Teaching Entrepreneurship to 11th Graders

  • Show students that every entrepreneur experiences failures on the path to success.
  • Break down taxes and interest, showing them the financial details behind entrepreneurship.
  • Show them the importance of multiple income streams and how they can use entrepreneurial skills to support the approach.

For more resources on other topics, check out our 11th Grade Money Lesson Plans Center.

12th Grade

Learning Objectives

12th-graders look at various practical ways to jump into entrepreneurship, and see how careful planning can lead to success. They should be able to:

  • Identify successful strategies in entrepreneurship and analyze decision-making to reach outcomes.

12th Grade Entrepreneurship Lesson Plans

  • 12th Grade – Three Types of Business Organizations: This lesson from shows students how they can set up a business in the future. They compare the costs and benefits of sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations, linking these ideas to their planned entrepreneurial ventures.

12th Grade Entrepreneurship Worksheets

12th Grade Entrepreneurship Games and Activities

Tips for Teaching Entrepreneurship to 12th Graders

  • Use diverse grouping, letting students work independently, in pairs, and teams.
  • Focus on soft skills, too.
  • Use online tools and apps to expose students to real-life data and financial statistics.

For more resources on other topics, check out our 12th Grade Money Lesson Plans Center.

About the Author

Peter Brown

Peter Brown is a National Board Certified teacher with over two decades of experience in the classroom. He loves working with students of all ages in many subjects, but particularly in practical areas like money education, to help kids achieve their goals. When he is not teaching or writing about financial literacy, you can find him surfing, hiking, skiing, or traveling to new places.

Last updated on: July 8, 2024