Saving money is the secret to financial success. Regardless of how much or little someone makes, having a reliable and consistent savings plan is critical. Your students will enjoy these worksheets that hammer home skills they’ll need to save money regularly. From the earliest stages of school until seniors in high school, students will benefit enormously from developing savings habits. Start with these worksheets!
Saving Money Worksheets for Elementary School
Your little learners will do well in their future learning about saving money. These worksheets will strengthen their knowledge significantly.
- Writing About Saving: This worksheet combines writing skill-building with savings awareness. Kids choose a writing style (narrative, persuasive, or expository) and compose a paragraph about saving money. (4th-5th grade)
- Creating a Song About Saving: Kids will have fun with this worksheet as they develop song lyrics about saving money and make them fit existing song melodies. They can choose from Row, Row, Row, Your Boat; Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star; and more. (2nd-5th grade)
- Understanding Our Money Choices: In this worksheet, kids go through checklists and decide what they would do in specific money situations. They see the importance of saving and determine who they can talk to for financial advice. (4th-5th grade)
- Building Savings Habits: This worksheet incorporates a comic book format to keep kids engaged. They caption comic strip bubbles while they reflect on the impact of saving. (4th-5th grade)
- Starting Small and Saving Up: This worksheet shows young learners the idea of saving whatever they can, even if it is a small amount. It goes along with a story, boosting reading comprehension and showing kids how to save early and often. (2nd-5th grade)
- Puzzling Out Your Savings Future: This worksheet is a fun way to show students how to save. They do an origami puzzle, fill in the savings sheet with figures, and see how long it would take to save for specific purchases. (4th-5th grade)
- Coloring Your Savings: Kids color the amount needed to save for certain items in this worksheet. They learn about saving money and the approximate costs of various purchases. (K-1st grade)
- Saving Money: With a reading passage and 12 comprehension questions, teachers can use this worksheet as a quick assessment tool to gauge student understanding. It comes in color and black and white, and can be a center activity or independent work. (2nd-4th grade)
- Earning/Saving Money: This worksheet provides a place for young kids to draw how they would save money. Then they complete a sheet to brainstorm how to earn money to save. (1st-2nd grade)
- Saving Money: This worksheet uses savings totals so kids can do money math. They count the money they see inside piggy banks, working on their arithmetic and money awareness as they see how to save. (3rd-4th grade)
- Saving My Money: This straightforward worksheet has kids trace a brief phrase about saving. They can color the piggy bank picture as teachers discuss the importance of saving money. (PreK-K)
- Save, Spend, Share Worksheet: Kids break their projected money output into categories in this worksheet. Teachers can focus on savings, showing students the importance of putting cash aside regularly. (K-5th grade)
Saving Money Worksheets for Middle School
Middle school is the ideal time to reinforce savings habits and bring in new concepts. These worksheets will complement your instruction well.
- Saving and Investing: In this worksheet set, students break down the various processes of putting cash aside for later. They set short, medium, and long-term goals, see how interest works, and take a quiz to demonstrate their knowledge. (6th-8th grade)
- Are U Money Savvy? This worksheet has kids make SMART savings goals and draw pictures to visualize their objectives. They also see how coupons can help save them money and try to work a budget to fit their spending and savings plans. (6th-8th grade)
- Money Goals: This worksheet shows practical savings ideas that kids can plan for (video game consoles, donations to charities, etc.) and has them make specific goals. Once they establish short and long-term goals, they formulate plans to save up cash. (6th-8th grade)
Saving Money Worksheets for High School
These worksheets will help prepare students for life after high school, giving them a chance to practice saving money in a low-stakes environment.
- Miya Builds Her Wealth: This worksheet shows students a specific case study, requiring them to weigh wants and needs. They learn about saving and budgeting as part of a larger money management approach. (11th-12th grade)
- Planning Your Financial Path to College Graduation: This worksheet shows kids the different ways to save money for college costs. They use an online tool to find statistics, determine how much they would need for various educational paths, and fill it in on the sheet. (9th-12th grade)
- Kids’ Money Teen Budgeting Worksheet: Budgeting is a great way to track expenses and also monitor savings progress. This worksheet is ideal for teenagers looking to stay on a good financial track. (7th-12th grade)
- Saving Money Brainstorming Activity: This worksheet requires students to devise multiple ways to save cash. They list ten items and then focus on one in more depth. (Can be used in any grade level)
- Where to Stash Your Cash: This worksheet (see page 3) involves student research to find the best savings vehicles for different goals. They see various ways to save money, from CDs to money market accounts to savings accounts. (9th-12th grade)
Head to our saving money curriculum center for more teaching resources.