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Best Investing Books for Teens

Dive into one (or several) of our favorite investing books for teens and learn all the fundamentals you need to build smart investing habits.


To be successful in life, you need to study and work hard. But if you want to become wealthy, there’s another piece of the puzzle: investing. 

The truth is that investing doesn’t have to be complicated. And it can be fun! You just have to learn, practice, and stay disciplined.

We’ve put together a list with the best investing books for teens like you to cut down on the confusion and make investing easier to understand. Because if you start investing at a young age, you’ll have many years to make your money grow and build wealth for yourself! 

Here are some of our favorite books to get you started on your investing journey. If you haven’t read it yet, make sure to check out our article on how to learn investing for teens too!

Our Favorite Teen Investing Books

Rich Dad Poor Dad for Teens: The Secrets about Money—That You Don’t Learn in School! is all about smart money choices and making money work for you. It includes lessons on speaking the language of money, investing, and ways to achieve financial freedom. If you wanna get ahead of the pack by investing your money, this book’s an excellent choice for you!

In The Teenage Investor: How to Start Early, Invest Often & Build Wealth, you’ll dive into the world of stocks from the perspective of another teen like you. Written by a 13-year old who bought his first stock when he was just 8, this book’s a great introduction to investments. The author now has a diverse portfolio and can offer a first-hand perspective to other teens who are just starting out. It covers stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, plus a handy wealth-building plan that you can make your own! 

Are you dreaming about saving cash for college or even just for fun? Then, The Motley Fool Investment Guide for Teens: 8 Steps to Having More Money Than Your Parents Ever Dreamed Of is a great choice for you. It features saving strategies and includes creative ways to avoid spending, plus some of the most common saving mistakes. If you want to start investing with just a few dollars and build your way up to a complete investment portfolio, you gotta check this one out!

The Modern Guide to Stock Market Investing for Teens: How to Ensure a Life of Financial Freedom Through the Power of Investing covers everything you need to know about the stock market, personal budgeting, saving, and making money. It’ll inspire you to change your life by investing the money you have now, no matter the amount! 

If you’ve dreamed of becoming a millionaire but don’t know where to start, A Teenager’s Guide to Investing in the Stock Market: Invest Hard Now | Play Hard Later will help you out! You’ll learn all about Wall Street and get the financial skills to start saving and investing now. No need to wait any longer. The best part is that this book comes with a roadmap to help you open an online account, purchase stock and put your money to work! 

Looking for an investing made easy kind of book? Try The Complete Guide to Investing for Teens: How to Invest to Start Grow Your Money, Reach Your Financial Freedom and Build Your Smart Future. It includes a comprehensive review of important investment and business concepts. Once you’ve got the basic concepts down, it’s time to turn your attention to this book’s tons of recommendations. They’ll help you find investment opportunities and start investing ASAP!

The Early Investor: How Teens & Young Adults Can Become Wealthy (Investing Fundamentals for Wealth Creation) includes many real-life examples of personal finance fundamentals. In easy-to-read language, it teaches the power of compound interest, mutual funds, ETFs, and bond investments. Everything you need to know when you’re getting started with your investments.

Wanna know what investing is like IRL? With How to Adult: Personal Finance for the Real World, you’ll be more than prepared for the financial realities of grown-ups! It covers all the basics of personal finance and building wealth, including how taxes work and how to prepare for big expenses. With this info, money curveballs will never catch off guard. You’ll also read up on topics like compound interest, mutual funds, individual retirement accounts, and insurance deductibles. These will help you take your financial knowledge to the next level.

Raise your hand if you love pizza! In I Want More Pizza: Real World Money Skills for High School, College, And Beyond, you’ll learn the pizza model to understand money management, saving, budgeting, spending, compound growth, credit cards, investing, and more. That’s a lot of slices, right?!

Wanna improve your money management skills and learn how to invest? Don’t hold your breath to learn it at school. Instead, get your hands on Why Didn’t They Teach Me This in School?: 99 Personal Money Management Principles to Live By. It focuses more on the qualitative side of money management, so you can learn valuable life lessons without too much math. You’ll take away valuable info that actually applies to everyday life with these practical principles! 

Sure, you’re a teen now. But before you know it, you’ll be in college and then a real adult. That’s why Adulting 101: #Wisdom4Life is a great book to ease into being a grown-up. It’ll give you some of the tools you need to succeed as an investor while inspiring you to change the world through your investments! Perfect for the social justice warrior who wants to have money in the bank and wishes to live a stress-free financial life.  

If step-by-step instructions are more your thing, then Teen Investing is the guide that shows you how to start investing in the stock market and achieve your goals. It’ll also show you how to set smart financial goals and strategies to find investment opportunities throughout your life.

Got questions on investments? Hundreds of them? Great, ’cause Investment Guide for Teens has plenty of answers for you! It also includes exercises on budgeting and a road map to enter the stock market. 

Looking for inspo to become a successful teen entrepreneur and investor? This is the one for you. Written by a 19-year-old, Teen Investing: The Ultimate Guide to Teenage Investing is written in your language. By a student with 10 years of investment experience and the founder of one of the largest teen investment organizations in the world! You’re sitting on a goldmine with this book that teaches you how to earn money to invest and techniques to look for investment opportunities. 

If you’re thinking ahead and wanna make your adult life more comfortable, you’re already winning. And with Investing for Teens: How to Invest and Grow Your Money!, you can make it happen. It’s the roadmap to building a solid foundation for your future. You’ll learn how to manage your finances like a pro with clear directions on where to make and where to save money. 

The Lazy Investor: How to Set a Profitable & Hassle-free Investment Portfolio will introduce you to passive investing – but there’s nothing lazy about it. It’s the smart way to make money while you sleep. Sound too good to be true? Check out this book. It’ll show you how to implement passive investment strategies to build your financial future without trading your hours for money. 

Are you excited to start investing now? With these books, you’ll get the guidance you need to make your way through the stock market as a teen. Remember: The key to investing is the power of compound interest. Start early and invest a little at a time to build a huge portfolio that can help you create the future you’ve always dreamed of.

About the Author

Lucia Caldera

Lucia Caldera is a writer who specializes in personal finance. Her goal is to create approachable content that sparks financial wellness and unlocks personal growth. Lucia's work reflects her passion for financial education as the key to reducing the wealth gap for future generations.

Last updated on: July 8, 2024