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Resume Templates for Teens

Check out these resume templates to help you apply for your next job.


Getting your first job as a teen is such an exciting experience but can be a little overwhelming because you know you want to go about finding a job the “right way” but may be struggling with the “how.” Writing a great resume will help you stand out from the other teen job seekers and show that you are a serious candidate willing to put effort into being the best you can be. 

Employers love potential employees that put in hard work and dedication when job seeking because this means that you’ll put in the effort when you actually get the job and will be an amazing employee. According to, hiring managers spend, on average, 7 seconds looking at a resume to determine if they want to keep reading or toss it into the trash.

Let’s discuss how to write a stand-out resume to help you land that first job!

Starting with a tested template that has worked for other teen job seekers is a great way to get used to writing resumes without having to recreate the wheel. In this post, we discussed how to use a resume template to showcase your experience, skills, education, volunteer experience, and so much more. 

In a highly competitive job market, employers have plenty of options for prospective employees and won’t take the time to read a resume that is not well formatted or has misspelled words. Attention to detail is a great skill when job searching because most jobs require it. 

Kids’ Money Free Template

This template was customized with our readers in mind, so it’s tailored to your specific needs! Use this template if you have no formal job experience or want to stress how much your life experience or volunteer service has shaped relevant skills that can be transferred to the job positions you’re applying to. 

We have compiled answers from teens just like you that have shared their knowledge on how they landed that first job, got into their dream college, or accepted a job in their desired field or industry and used the information they shared to create a winning strategy template to share with our audience.

Entry Level Resume Template

Choose this template if you want to craft a targeted, one-page resume that showcases your life skills and experiences in a positive light rather than burying your best attributes as a potential employee. 

When starting the resume process, you may find it challenging to keep your resume to one page because you have so many skills and experiences you want to share with potential employers to give them the most adequate representation of who you are and what you bring to the table. You want the hiring manager to put your resume in the “read again” pile, so keeping your resume to one page and using an entry-level format that is eye-catching with tips on writing a great objective statement may be key to your success!

Part-Time Job Seeker Template

Many employers in today’s job market are seeking employees that can work full time so it takes a specialized resume to convey your value to employers about what an amazing asset you can be to a team environment. As a student, you have limited availability to work, but the right resume template will help you stand out among a sea of other candidates. 

Some jobs, like fast food or retail, offer flexible hours and are used to hiring teens or students with limited availability due to other commitments such as school or sports. But, if you want to work in a field that doesn’t usually offer flexibility or prefers full-time availability, you may need to get creative with how you approach those employers. 

Having a well-written resume outlining your skills and availability will make the hiring manager’s job much easier and could get you on the short list of candidates they are willing to consider for the position.

No Formal Experience Template

It can get frustrating to read job postings that want 10+ years of experience for entry-level jobs and not know how to highlight your skills if you don’t have any formal experience. You may ask yourself how you can compete with other job candidates with 10+ years of experience. 

The key here is to include as much detail as possible about your experience and how those skills translate into the position you’re applying for. Having a passion and attention to detail in how you format your resume will allow the hiring manager to see your work ethic and desire to be considered.

This template focuses on your academic achievements, sports participation, leadership from school clubs or community events, and volunteer opportunities you’ve participated in to add emphasis to how hard you’ve worked to be the best version of yourself. 

Volunteer Experience Template

Unpaid volunteer experience is a great way to gain transferable skills that will assist you in your chosen career path and make a great addition to your first resume. This template is great for combining your volunteer experience with your school coursework and great grades to emphasize that you’re a well-rounded potential employee. Skills such as: 

  • Leadership
  • Teamwork
  • Inventory management
  • Certifications
  • Punctuality
  • Communication
  • Organization
  • Customer service
  • Sales
  • Time management
  • Compassion
  • Delegation
  • Problem-solving
  • Mentoring
  • Interpersonal skills

Are all transferable skills that will be used as an adult and in the workplace when interacting with your fellow employees, managers, customers, vendors/suppliers, and many other stakeholders of the company. 

Job & Industry Specific- Babysitting

What’s great about this template is that you can highlight your relevant babysitting experience AND the certifications you’ve worked hard to earn that make you the best candidate for the job by proving how dedicated you are to being the best of the best. This particular template allows you to showcase skills in a bulleted list that keeps the resume format clean and easy to read. 

Industry-specific resumes can be used for jobs such as landscaping, fast food, retail, and customer service. This template will help get you started!

High School Resume Template

This is a plug-and-play, easy-to-use template that you can quickly add your contact information, brief objective, a summary of skills, grades and coursework that is relevant to the field you want to work in, relevant hard and soft skills, awards, and extracurricular activities or clubs that you’ve participated in. 

This template is standard and not targeted for any particular field but is great for a first resume because of how simple it is to fill in. It’s customizable if you want to add additional fields to make it your own!

College Admissions Resume

Resumes aren’t just for applying for jobs! Resumes can also be used to get into the college, university, or furthering education program of your choice! Some schools are very competitive so putting your best foot forward is key. This resume template encompasses your academic skills, grades, extracurriculars, awards, and work or volunteer experiences in such a way that expresses your desire to step into the next phase of life and highlights why you deserve a seat at the table because you’ve earned it.

General Resume

Sometimes, you need a resume on hand immediately and don’t have time to create a job-specific, targeted resume for a particular job. Job, career, school, and hiring fairs are great examples of a time when a general resume would be needed. One major pitfall that most inexperienced job seekers fall into is creating a general resume that is too generic and doesn’t show off their talents and unique skill sets. This template is great for highlighting skill sets while offering a streamlined format that is eye-catching and simple to read.

Fast Food Template

Fast food jobs are fantastic for teens and recent grads waiting to start college because of the flexible hours and ability to gain valuable and marketable skills such as customer service experience and the ability to work in a fast-paced environment. This resume format is a great way to showcase your enthusiasm for the industry while conveying your professional, can-do attitude! Self-assess your job skills and BE HONEST in your assessment. Please don’t rate yourself a 10/10 for every skill because this is an unrealistic viewpoint, and employers will definitely see that. Showcase your strengths and willingness to work on areas where you aren’t strong yet.

Bottom Line

Writing a resume doesn’t have to be a scary or impossible task! Using a great resume template will allow you to highlight your unique and relevant skills that employers are looking for while conveying your enthusiasm to join a great team environment. Remember that even if you don’t have formal job experience, you can apply for jobs using other gauges like volunteer experience, leadership in extracurriculars at school or in the community, and your great school grades to show potential employers how amazing you are!

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About the Author

Jessica Anglin

Jessica was raised in a household where her parents didn't know how to pay bills on time and indulged in life's pleasures on a consistent basis in order to cover the misery from working jobs they hated for money that wasn't enough to live off of. She took on the role of caregiver to 4 siblings at age 15 and started her first business selling tie-dye t-shirts in order to buy food and provide a stable home. Nineteen years later, she owns three successful businesses, has earned an MBA in Finance, and works daily to set an example for the next generation on how to build wealth so they never face the same struggles.

Last updated on: July 8, 2024